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Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities | A Documentary Every Parent Needs to Watch
An award-winning Epoch Original docudrama EVERY PARENT needs to watch. It examines the forces behind the transgender movement and its impact on our youth.
The Epoch Times
The Epoch Times

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The Epoch Times

COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to Sudden Onset Tinnitus; Metabolic Disease Increases Risk: Study

Risk factors such as hypertension, obesity, and thyroid disorders were shown to increase the likelihood of developing tinnitus after a COVID-19 vaccine.

Philadelphia Rally Outside American Transplant Congress Calls to End Forced Organ Harvesting in China

Participants called for stronger international policies, greater awareness, and unified action to put an end to these human rights abuses.

How to Break the Hunger Habit

You can train your brain to resist the lure of tempting foods, says Judson Brewer in his new book, ‘The Hunger Habit.’

Top Judge Blocks Complaints Against Trump Judge Aileen Cannon

Chief Judge William Pryor Jr. instructed the circuit court’s clerk to stop accepting new complaints against Judge Aileen Cannon.
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‘Flags of Our Fathers’: Clint Eastwood Pulls Back the Curtain

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100-Year-Old Vet Talks WWII, Secret Missions, and Betty Grable

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‘Trust in God, But Tie Up Your Camel’: A Proverb of Faith and Responsibility

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