Shen Yun an Experience of Bathing in Beauty Says Writer

Apr 29, 2017
Shen Yun an Experience of Bathing in Beauty Says Writer

“There is so much happening. There is so much in the choreography and there is so many people on the stage. The tremendous orchestra, everything blends together and melts together so well. The stories of 5000 years of culture some of which I have been barely aware of, so you are refreshed with the culture which is all so good. One thing which comes across and it sounds like it’s far too cheap and too easy to say, but it’s just beautiful! It was educative.”


“The overriding thing for me which is something very hard to find, is to sit it for two hours in a company of just beauty. It’s just a beautiful thing to be with and it takes you away … just like bathing in beauty. You know that’s hard to buy, very hard to buy.”


“I feel inspired, and refreshed. I feel that I have seen an energy which is very important on this planet right now. Here we are seeing what a true, beautiful effort can produce—there are people on this planet working to enhance rather than to degrade and here there are people who are willing to travel and willing to work so hard.”


“Some of the choreography … is just extraordinary and if it was just for that reason [alone] that took me to see the show [it was worth it]. But the presentation of the legends and background and the elements that you probably won’t have in your mind about China, an enormous culture of course, a diverse culture and also the aspects of the suppression that is occurring. These are presented but they are presented in a way that’s amazingly entertaining and just gorgeous.”


“I think the spirit of the show is freedom and inclusiveness. I think to spend time in various regions and to spend time in various eras and to acknowledge—so you are getting uplifted by it at the same time as you are learning.”


“This was another side of China that I was aware of but I think emotionally, it connected tonight. … it has been a gift.”


“You can either go see a movie, a theatre or a dance or you can see this [Shen Yun], which is a movie, theatre, and dance. And to mix it all up it’s fantastic. Lovely concept.”


“[Experiencing Shen Yun tonight] was really extremely enjoyable. It’s a beautiful gap in the rest of your life. You actually step out for a while, step into somebody else’s world, without paying efforts and you step back in. And you are better for it.”

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