Publisher Enchanted by Sublime Shen Yun

Jan 18, 2018
Publisher Enchanted by Sublime Shen Yun
Jacques Martel enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at Grand Théâtre de Québec in Quebec City on Jan. 17, 2018. (Mathieu Cote Desjardins /The Epoch Times)

“Sublime. There are no other words to describe it. It’s sublime.”

“It’s interesting to see and feel the emotions that are played out, as well as the elegance. There is also the freshness of [the performance], and a certain magic too. I’ve waited two years to see this show.”

“[The classical Chinese dance is] very good. I like it very much.”

“The orchestra is good too. Everything is good. I invite everyone to come see this show when it performs in their city or in their country. I find it really, really interesting.”

“[Through the piece ‘Unprecedented Crime’] you feel an elevation of who you are as a divine being, the divine being that you are and who is going to join the divine too.”

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Shen Yun