Shen Yun Has ‘A Very Strong Connection to the Divine,’ Says Kennedy Center Theatergoer

Jan 28, 2023
Shen Yun Has ‘A Very Strong Connection to the Divine,’ Says Kennedy Center Theatergoer
Andrew Scheler enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts matinee at The Kennedy Center Opera House, on Jan. 28, 2023. (Terri Wu/The Epoch Times)

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The name “Shen Yun” means “the beauty of divine beings dancing,” and for Andrew Scheler at The Kennedy Center Opera House, that divinity really came through.

“The dancing was amazing, the music was amazing, and the spirit behind it—just beautiful,” Mr. Scheler said after the Shen Yun Performing Arts matinee on Jan. 28.

He described Shen Yun as “a mixture of human and divine” and added that he could not adequately, with mere language, fully describe the experience.

“I’m not equal to the task of this question,” said Mr. Scheler, who practices tai chi himself and understands how movement can be spiritual in nature. “The way they moved was quite divine.”

I don't think they could do what they do without a connection, a very strong connection to the divine.
Andrew Scheler

“Their control and precision and athleticism, that’s the spirit behind it,” Mr. Scheler said. “I don’t think they could do what they do without a connection, a very strong connection to the divine.”

Mr. Scheler felt that for the Shen Yun artists to deliver that sense of divinity, it required of them a sense of surrender to a higher power.
“What is it that separates us from the Divine? Thoughts: always thinking, always judging, always comparing. And that separates us from life, because thoughts have no intrinsic reality. So when we’re totally caught up in thoughts and we’re separated from the divine in ourselves and otherwise, then we can’t manifest this level of artistry,” he said. And to be immersed in Shen Yun’s divine energy, he felt wonderful.

“I thought it was just delightful, from beginning to end,” he said.

Also in the audience was Frank Cross, a project manager in the Food and Drug Administration, who felt inspired by the sense of divinity in Shen Yun as well.

Mr. Cross described a story set in the modern day, where calamity strikes, but then the divine intervenes.

“And it was all about love and grace and forgiveness, and hope,” he said. “I like it, it was very well portrayed, brought tears my eyes.”

Mr. Cross attended the matinee with his wife, a Christmas present the two got for themselves. Rather than gifts, the couple decided to make memories this year, and said that Shen Yun was a memory they would treasure.

“I have it all in my mind. I got all my mind everything I can see,” Mr. Cross said.

“Calm, and grace, it was nice.”

Reporting by Terri Wu.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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