“Utterly phenomenal, the best performance I’ve ever seen in my life,” Ms. Skarda said.
“The last scene on compassion, I literally had a spiritual experience. My heart just opened with divine love. It was, I could feel every cell of my body vibrating as the divine—it was just phenomenal.”
“These artists, they are meticulous in their form. It is precision; it is God incarnate on stage.”
“It is perfection. It is a universal, spiritual experience of the divine in the human form, that we are all God’s children,” Ms. Skarda said. “And it is profound.”
“It made me proud to be a global citizen, as well as an American citizen, that allows us the wonderful freedoms that we have in this country to practice religious freedom, and expression of that freedom in all forms, particularly through the form of art.”

“And that we are so gifted to live in the free world where we can have creative expression and religious expression, and that our political environment still allows for us to hold the container for the sacredness of all of life through art and creativity and spirituality,” she continued.
“This gift of life, it was just an exquisite performance. It is a must-see for all of humanity because it is the reason why we reincarnate here on the planet, to love one another, to know God’s love for us, to express that in how we create, how we live.
“The precision of the artists was phenomenal. From the orchestra to the dancers, to the detail of the costuming, the flow of the spirituality in the fabrics and the colors. It just was life coming into form onstage; God coming to form on stage. It was amazing.”