Company Manager Surprised Shen Yun Banned in China, Says Fortunately ‘Tradition Is Always Stronger!’

Feb 20, 2023
Company Manager Surprised Shen Yun Banned in China, Says Fortunately ‘Tradition Is Always Stronger!’
Dorothée de Varine-Bohan attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Palais des Congrès, in Paris, on Feb. 15, 2023. (NTD)

PARIS—Since Tuesday, Feb. 14, Paris has been vibrating to the warm sounds of Shen Yun’s music at the Palais des Congrès.

On Feb. 15, Pascal de Varine-Bohan and his wife, Dorothée, were at the Palais des Congrès to experience Shen Yun Performing Arts. This descendant of French nobility is the general secretary of a large French casino chain and his wife runs a real estate business.
Pascal de Varine-Bohan enjoyed Shen Yun in Paris on Thursday, Feb.15, 2023. (NTD)
Pascal de Varine-Bohan enjoyed Shen Yun in Paris on Thursday, Feb.15, 2023. (NTD)

“It’s great and beautiful,” exclaimed Mr. de Varine-Bohan enthusiastically. “It is very original, very colorful, and, above all, beautifully synchronized without a single mistake!”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, with a mission to show audiences the “beauty and goodness of China before communism.”

Mr. de Varine-Bohan believes that Shen Yun is “like a very strong state of mind of respect for tradition, with the ‘warrior art’ remaining.”

Indeed, Shen Yun’s story-based dances often presenting scenes from classical Chinese literature, such as “Journey to the West” or “Water Margin,” or even heroes from the Chinese history, sometimes encompassing even grand scenes of battle, bringing back with authenticity these pages of literature or history.

Mrs. de Varine-Bohan said she “greatly appreciated the show,” and was moved by both the spirituality and the technique of these artists.

“Having different backdrops was very interesting, because it offers a very wide range of the whole Chinese culture, which we know to be very rich,“ she said. ”I was expecting a lot of colors and there is a lot of color subtleties, because we know that Chinese culture is both colorful and delicate, because it is very old ... So I was not surprised, I was very happy!”

‘An Art of Living’

Mr. de Varine-Bohan conveyed that the human values he saw in Shen Yun, the principles of truth, compassion, and forbearance, which are the basis of Falun Gong, a meditation discipline the Shen Yun artists follow, spoke volumes to him.

“These human values are timeless, and we would like to see them more often here in Europe and in the rest of the world. It is good that people perpetuate these traditions, which we thought were still alive in China ... But we discover that not all of them are, unfortunately, since this show cannot perform in China. However, I notice that, fortunately, the tradition is always stronger!” he said.

Mrs. de Varine-Bohan was also sensitive to these human values: “We can feel the principles promoted by spirituality which are cruelly lacking in our world today. So, when you are sensitive to beauty, when you are sensitive to the work behind the dances, you are sensitive to the spirituality that permeates it all. It is a whole: it is spirituality, but also an art of living.”

The Shen Yun artists certainly embodied those values, she continued, for instance through their excellence. “I is very complicated to dance so well, it requires a lot of discipline,” she said.

For Mrs. de Varine-Bohan, the spirituality in the culture bolstered her own.

“It echoed my principles as well, which are based-faith values,” she said. “I think that spirituality and faith, whatever the religion, are universal. It echoes all these principles which are completely universal.”

Mr. de Varine-Bohan only wished there was more of what Shen Yun was doing.

“We are cruelly lacking this type of show,” he lamented. “I think that today, we are in a world lacking a lot in spirituality and this is a show for everyone.”

“In my opinion, these types of shows are essential for our children today, precisely, because of all the human values of peace and tolerance.”

Reporting by NTD and Sarita Modmesaïb.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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