‘You leave a different person,’ Scientist Says

 ‘You leave a different person,’ Scientist Says
Larry G. Eskind, scientist and owner of World Nano Solutions enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at The Microsoft Theater in Downtown Los Angeles, Calif., on April 14, 2018. Marie-Paul Baxiu/The Epoch Times

“I love it. I’ve been to about 6 or 7 [Shen Yun Performances].”

“It gives me the feeling of awe.”

“It’s fascinating. There’s nothing like it at all.”

“I think the whole [performance] coordinates with each [individual aspect], and it’s flawless.”

“I feel wonderful. I feel like dancing, and I can’t even get up.”

“You just feel all of it [energy], it seems like seeing a bunch of spirits coming down. And it’s been so many years, 5000 years [of Chinese traditional culture].”

“If you come here and you’ve never seen this before, you leave a different person. Like I say, they’re born again, in their own feelings.”

“If there was a new [performance] every day, I would go.”

“I recommend it constantly.”

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