Theatergoer Sees Hopeful Themes in Shen Yun

Theatergoer Sees Hopeful Themes in Shen Yun
Marvin and Maxine Rosenblatt enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at Place des Arts in Montreal on Jan. 14, 2018. “I’m glad that my husband purchased these tickets so that we could come and enjoy this spectacular production,” said Mrs. Rosenblatt. NTD Television

“I was very impressed. I think that it’s a beautiful production—the elaborate nature of the dance, the different eras that it depicts, the costumes, the pageantry. ... Each story is done in such a beautiful and elaborate manner that we were all very impressed.”

“There were so many different aspects [that stood out to me]: the soprano, the erhu [the two-stringed traditional Chinese instrument]—everything brings beauty and heightened awareness. Also the spirituality—the fact that unfortunately in the regime today in China, a lot of these things such as spirituality and meditation cannot be openly expressed is a sad commentary.”

“I think the way [the performance] is done is very elegant. … I think there’s one central common theme—that we all strive for a better world with more peace and harmony.”

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