Theatergoer is Impressed By the Pageantry, Skills, and Themes in Shen Yun

Theatergoer is Impressed By the Pageantry, Skills, and Themes in Shen Yun

“It was fantastic. Just the colors, and the movements, and the choreography, and how precise it was. It was very impressive. Some of the themes in the stories, ... they showed some of the oppression that’s been going on in the nation of China. I thought it was appropriate and fit to watch.”


“It’s unfortunate, and it seems it’s (China’s) very oppressive and suppressive of the arts, and Chinese tradition, and it seems like something that could be lost if it’s not carried from generation to generation by certain groups, like this [dance company]. I was very impressed by that. I thought it was very good.”

“It’s unfortunate that countries will do business with such an oppressive government that seeks to put its people down and not allow the same freedoms that we enjoy here in this country. I think it’s very sad.”

“I would recommend it. I would highly recommend it. This was something that my wife and I did as a valentines gift that I gave to her, and I would highly recommend it to other people, to my friends. It’s a good night out. It’s fun, it’s colorful, it’s very impressive; the athleticism, the choreography was very good.” 

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