Theatergoer Enjoys How Dance Conveys Messages at Shen Yun

Theatergoer Enjoys How Dance Conveys Messages at Shen Yun
Rachel Campbell (L) and her friend enjoyed watching Shen Yun at the Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth, Texas on Jan. 8, 2018. Sherry Dong/The Epoch Times

“The performance was wonderful. The dance, the message, as far as relaying the time over history, was very interesting in how they presented ... using the dance to convey without having the words—it opened my eyes to the perspective of what they were saying through dance.”

“There were several messages in there. The expression of freedom, freedom of beliefs and freedom of worship, and having the opportunity. And then the message of love … Enjoying the love and expressing your heart through whatever that you chose to believe in and do.”

“Being devoted to the love that you have for one person, and how that commitment and being committed ... And no matter what stands in your way or what happens in life, you stay committed and true. That one was very beautiful.”

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