Teacher Amazed by ‘the Richness of the Culture and the Beauty of the Dances’

Jan 30, 2017
Teacher Amazed by ‘the Richness of the Culture and the Beauty of the Dances’

“On the technical side, it was an absolutely brilliant performance. The choreography, the blend of stage with technology [animated backdrops] was absolutely brilliant.”


“You catch the message, and the clash of the modern drive towards materialism against ancient values, looking for deeper spiritual values—that was what came out to me. … It just struck me how deep [Shen Yun] is, and the yearning for spirituality and wanting to not be overrun with this world of materialism.”


“The richness of the culture and the beauty of the dances—that was amazing.”


“When you look back at who [the Chinese] are as a people and what they’ve always stood for, and the incredible history that lies behind them, I think that this show is great at bringing that out.”


“[The educational aspect] is fantastic, it’s got an education of its own.”

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