March 7, 2024

Why Are States Having to Use the National Guard for Routine State Functions?

'The National Guard continues to be called up to combat problems that are largely caused by policy decisions made by the politicians doing the calling.'

March 6, 2024

I Loved the War More Than I Loved … You.

'Deploying was my only love until I met you.'

March 5, 2024

Practical Military Realism in an Unpredictable World: Machiavelli’s Treatise on Fortune

'Leaders who consider these straightforward principles are forearmed and better prepared to mitigate the impact of unexpected and unpredictable events.'

March 7, 2024

Why Are States Having to Use the National Guard for Routine State Functions?

'The National Guard continues to be called up to combat problems that are largely caused by policy decisions made by the politicians doing the calling.'

March 6, 2024

I Loved the War More Than I Loved … You.

'Deploying was my only love until I met you.'

March 5, 2024

Practical Military Realism in an Unpredictable World: Machiavelli’s Treatise on Fortune

'Leaders who consider these straightforward principles are forearmed and better prepared to mitigate the impact of unexpected and unpredictable events.'

March 3, 2024

Comparative Analysis: Why It’s the Enemy of True Progress and Joy for Veterans

Measuring our progress against others limits our potential to what is known and achieved; competing with ourselves opens up a limitless avenue for growth.

March 1, 2024

A Veteran Offers Four ‘Unapologetically American’ Reasons Why We Still Need the Draft

Put a two-year draft intro effect, and things will 'get real,' real quick.

February 29, 2024

Living Like It’s September 12th: Dangers of the Modern Lens

We shouldn't need another 9/11 to wake up. Because in the end, liberty prevails when a nation values its freedom more than a false sense of security.

February 28, 2024

For the Sake of My Brothers and Sisters in Arms, I Choose Honor

A veteran reflects on how service members were treated in the post-Vietnam era. 9/11 changed that.

February 27, 2024

Hamas, ‘The Invisible Gorilla,’ and What the Media-Political Complex Is Doing to America

'We are far too comfortable focusing on what journalists tell us is important, instead of sussing that out ourselves.'

February 26, 2024

Rebuild Gaza and Israel … But Only With Iran’s Money

'We should never provide another U.S. cent to Gaza, while Hamas governs.'

February 25, 2024

Embracing the Uncomfortable: How Imposter Syndrome Is a Veteran’s Secret Catalyst for Growth

Rather than a harbinger of self-doubt, this phenomenon can be a catalyst for profound personal development and a mark of humility and growth.

February 25, 2024

A Veteran’s Letter to His Daughter: You Brought Peace to a Troubled Soul

Every member of a military family bears the burden of service. Sometimes that reality is heartbreaking.

February 23, 2024

Veterans and Quitting: The Paradox of Letting Go to Move Forward

It's been said 'winners never quit.' But is that always true?

February 22, 2024

The Psychology Behind Social Media Hate: A Veteran Explains

Dehumanization of a person or group is the first step to genocide. History proves that over and over.

February 22, 2024

A Veteran Asks: Why Do You Keep Saying ‘Militant’ Instead of ‘Terrorist,’ and ‘Executed’ Instead of ‘Murdered’?

'Well, journalists, you make the rules. No one is forcing you to church up the language that we use to describe evil people and the actions they carry out.'

February 20, 2024

Veterans: The Storm We Might Be Called to Sail Into Might Be Someone’s Personal Life

Death is hard enough to deal with on its own. When that death is self-induced, the pain is so much worse.

February 19, 2024

Meditations of an Army Ranger: The Pursuit of Purpose in Every Moment–Why Your Purpose is Now

'Embrace the idea that your purpose is now, in this moment, no matter how ordinary or small it may seem.'

December 14, 2023

The Lessons I Learned in Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery

These men and women gave their lives to save people from evil 'so atrocious that it exceeds the Western imagination’s moral capacity to conceptualize.'

December 13, 2023

PTSD Isn’t Killing Us—The System Is

Who is advocating for those who have paid the highest costs for their elite service?

December 11, 2023

Navigating the Fog: Bridging the Gap Between Warriors and Corporate America

The 'fog of war' may be more comfortable to vets than the business world. But the 'fog of corporate America' offers unique opportunities for a military mindset.

December 7, 2023

Raising Guerilla Gurus: Cultivating a Military Mindset for a New Age 

Today's military must embrace omnidirectional thinking, says a former special forces officer.

December 1, 2023

A Question for Our Nation: What Does It Mean to Serve?

'Servant leadership extends beyond traditional business settings and equally applies to law enforcement and military leadership.'

December 1, 2023

Braxton McCoy on Writing, Riding, and Fighting

An inspiring story of recovery from author Braxton McCoy and his new book 'Glass Factory'

November 27, 2023

I’ll Take My Armor Off Someday—But Not Today

Although home and hearth call, a vet reflects that he'll bear the armor of duty and obligation for another day.

November 21, 2023

At Home Between Patrols

A vet reflects on the importance of home: that place you carry with you for strength and motivation when you are away.

November 7, 2023

A Girl Named Jasmine, the Afghan Face of Sharia Law

A young girl no older than 13, stoned to death. A vet recalls the nightmare of capital punishment under Sharia law.

November 4, 2023

Finding Out Who You Are and Why You’re Here

A wife reflects on her often painful 43-year journey with her Vietnam vet husband and hero. Her message to veterans: 'We need you now as never before!'

October 18, 2023

Help the Dorks Become Sgt. Hulkas

An important element of leadership is helping new recruits go from "dorks" to capable military members.

From the front lines to the home front, America’s military veterans and first responders are committed to serving our nation and our community, and protecting our way of life.

The Epoch Times’ “Battlefields” project, in partnership with The Havok Journal, gives voice to America’s Service Community and highlights their successes and their struggles; their triumphs, and their tragedies.

In their own words, and from their own hearts, these… are their Battlefields.