Shen Yun Shows ‘Beauty Within Human Soul,’ Says Nina Shea

Feb 21, 2022
Shen Yun Shows ‘Beauty Within Human Soul,’ Says Nina Shea
Nina Shea at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at The Kennedy Center Opera House on Feb. 18, 2022. (Terri Wu/The Epoch Times)

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Nina Shea, a senior fellow and director of the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom, said Shen Yun was a “divine” and “inspired” performance featuring the “manifestation of the beauty within the human soul.”

She enjoyed Shen Yun at The Kennedy Center on Feb. 18, seated in a full house.
“It opened my eyes to the beauty and grace and joy of China for thousands of years before the communist party took over.
Nina Shea

“The show is spectacular,” Ms. Shea said. “It opened my eyes to the beauty and grace and joy of China for thousands of years before the communist party took over.”

The Shen Yun performance was Ms. Shea’s first large gathering in two years. She said she was initially hesitant. However, it was worth the risk, she said because “It was just the most joyful evening I’ve had in several years; it was a dazzling performance.”
Shen Yun is dedicated to reviving traditional Chinese culture, the New York-based company also raises awareness about current issues in China.

“I am glad that the performance included a glimpse of some of the horror that’s going on now in China. I think that’s important for the world to see,” she said.

“[The performance] is full of faith, and it’s based on really universal principles of truth and compassion, and I think that this is what the communist party cannot live with,” she added.

Due to Shen Yun‘s exposing the human rights atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party and the Shen Yun artists’ beliefs of Falun Dafa, the company is unable to perform in China.

“It’s such a positive influence on society,” Ms. Shea said of the performance. “It’s unimaginable that some government would feel threatened by it or ban it [or] would not want their society to be exposed to it. It has positive force.”

Ms. Shea also applauded Shen Yun’s highlighting the different ethnicities of China. Chinese dynasties were ruled by ethnic minorities like the Mongolians and Manchurians, China also has many other ethnic groups like the Miao or Yi.

“They honor the various ethnic groups with their folk dances and their ethnic dances,” she said. “They are preserving and educating us in the West because I have not had any exposure to that before.

“I highly recommend [Shen Yun]. It was a dazzling performance, invigorating and uplifting.”

Reporting by Terri Wu and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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