SAN ANTONIO, Texas—When Shen Yun Performing Arts presented a show at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts in San Antonio, Texas, on Feb. 17, Jonathan and Teresa Martinez brought their granddaughter to enjoy the performance. “Our granddaughter loves it,” Mr. Martinez said.
“She loves to come every year, so we bring her with us,” Mrs. Martinez said. “She’s the one that suggested [going to Shen Yun.] ‘Oh, don’t forget, we have to go watch the show this year.’ So we got tickets last month.”
She said how much she valued the stories presented from other cultures. “Very nice messages behind every performance. I like that. It’s very nice to get to see other cultures. I’m Mexican, so we have our culture, but to see and to learn traditions and beliefs from other cultures, it’s just educational.”
Shen Yun presents many stories from China’s history and Mrs. Martinez liked them all. “I think all of them had a different message, but I do like the one with the kindness, and the education. I think we all strive to have our kids to be successful and explore the world, but keep in mind to be kind, and take care of our earth, and the city, and the animals.”
“I think we need to remember where we came from, where our ancestors came from, and to keep that alive. I think that’s important. To me, that’s very important: teaching my girls where they came from, to keep that tradition, not to forget where our ancestors came from and our culture more than anything,” she said.
Shen Yun brought new insights to the family, and Mrs. Martinez said that life is a constant journey of discovery and wisdom. “Always keep learning and keeping [cultural traditions] alive. Teaching our children and our grandchildren, and even people that aren’t like me.
‘The opening scene was just so mesmerizing’

The opening scene of the Creator coming to save mankind impressed Ms. Valentin. “The opening scene was just so mesmerizing, and it was just so magnificent. It set the stage for the whole show: just the beauty and the wonderment of it all just was captivating.”
The spiritual aspects of the dance fascinated Ms. Valentin. “I did feel the [spirituality] of the dance, and the peacefulness that it provided. Just calming and soothing. It was just such a quiet moment within oneself to just really truly reflect,” she said.
She expressed effusive gratitude to the performers. “I would love to say thank you for your dedication to the craft, and just your meticulousness with the steps, and the beauty that you translated in the Shen Yen program. Those of us who were here and captivated by these moments were just truly astonished at such work. Thank you so much for this experience.”