Shen Yun’s Digital Backdrops Are Extraordinary and Innovative, Says Professor

Apr 13, 2017
Shen Yun’s Digital Backdrops Are Extraordinary and Innovative, Says Professor

“If you don’t see it, you won’t believe it.”

“Very nice. Very entertaining. I thought many things were very innovative.”

“The digital projection effects were extraordinary to me. ... The connection between the real life and the [digital projection] together was seamless, and I loved that.” 

“[The stories] are very well connected so that I can understand. Because of the background, it makes the stories very complete and entertaining as a whole because you can see the whole thing, which could not be done without those [backdrops].” 

“Both of our cultures have a lot of similarities; many of the things like the spiritual background of the dance — [which] is very colorful — and every time the evil gets defeated. That is the moral of all stories.”

“[The orchestra] is very nice, extremely well arranged. … It was extremely well done. The live orchestra makes much better entertaining. You could do it on a recorded track, but it won’t be this nice. I definitely enjoyed the live orchestra.” 

“I think they are doing a wonderful job, and they should continue to do it.” 

“It’s worth more than the money. I can tell you that.”

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