Shen Yun’s Choreography Is Perfect, Says Former TV Station President

Shen Yun’s Choreography Is Perfect, Says Former TV Station President
Former president of MBC TV station Yu Dalhun speaks highly of Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company’s 2014 final perfromance in South Korea at Suseong Artpia, on Feb. 17, 2014. Quan Yu/Epoch Times

DAEGU, South Korea—After seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts’ final 2014 Korean perfromance, at the Suseong Artpia, Mr. Yu Dalhun, former president of the leading TV station MBC, sensed difficulty in summing up the entire performance: “I cannot say which program is the best, as all of the programs are perfectly choreographed.”

Shen Yun Performing Arts was established in New York in 2006 by a number of superb artists, with the mission to revive the 5,000 years of divinely inspired Chinese culture. Each performance illustrates ancient myths, historical legends, and contemporary stories on stage, and it ushers the audience into a world transcending time and space to experience cultural wonders.

Mr Dalhun added that “The synchronization of the dynamic backdrops and the performances on stage was seamless. It was very creative and unique. It’s perfect.”

In terms of the splendid ancient court costumes of various dynasties demonstrated by the performers and their exquisite dances, Mr. Yu added: “They are amazingly good. It is indeed a comprehensive and exquisite show.”

“Chinese culture, Japanese culture, and Korean culture share the same root, but they each have their own characteristics,“ he said. ”Among them, Chinese culture is the most comprehensive and profound. Due to the fact that we do not get involved with Chinese culture often, we may not really understand Chinese traditional culture much.

“However, viewing the show can enable to gain more insight into the Chinese traditional culture.”

Having been in drama circles in his early years and in the mass media industry in his later years, Mr. Yu Dalhun has seen many kinds of performances. After watching Shen Yun, he noted that “This is the area that I’ve never tried. I feel it very creative and fantastic.”

“And it has far-reaching prospects,” he added.

Feel the Power of the God

Dancer Lee Gwi-Seon felt admiration for Shen Yun. “This is a performance delivering messages,“ she said. ”This is a performance that enables self-awakening.”

Ms. Lee believes that the messages presented by Shen Yun have extraordinary meanings, and they deeply impressed her. “A Shen Yun performance is very educational,“ she said. ”It tells us that every one of us is a god that came down from heaven. I feel that we are all of one body.”

Ms. Lee was also inspired by the 5,000 years of Chinese culture coming from Shen Yun’s dances. She said, “The first program showed an enormous particle in the universe. I feel that is the God Particle that physicists are talking about recently. In the final program, there are also God Particles in human bodies. I feel that Shen Yun is the particle full of inspiration.”

“I felt extremely powerful energy from the group dances,“ Ms. Lee added. ”I felt God’s power from these performers’ perfect unity.”

Reporting by Wen Long and Bill Xu, Choi Young-han and Quincy Yu

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New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.