Shen Yun ‘Speaks To My Heart,’ Says Pastor

Shen Yun ‘Speaks To My Heart,’ Says Pastor

“It was amazing. Absolutely beautiful; a wonderful thing to see.” 

“It was very interesting to see the spiritual aspect of the show. ... There were certainly aspects of the spirituality here that connects to my own as a Christian, for sure, differences as well, contrasts, but interesting to compare.” 

“It’s a very powerful story. It speaks to my heart very much so. ... They get to the core of who we are as human beings. That’s universal for us.”

“[I particularly enjoyed] the drummers (”Tibetan Drums” dance). ... The curved drumsticks; that was fascinating. That was just really fascinating. I’ve never seen anything like that before. 

“And also the contemporary pieces [about] the resistance to oppression — very moving for me. The first piece with the orphan (”A Child’s Choice“ dance). ... I was in tears.”

“[It was] deeply significant to me. I think that there’s a spiritual component in the struggles that we face in the world, and our belief in a Creator. There’s an overtone in some of the stories that the divine intervenes on behalf of righteousness. That’s a belief I think we need to hold to.”

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