Shen Yun ‘So Amazing and Beautiful’ Says former Owner of Landmark Business

Shen Yun ‘So Amazing and Beautiful’ Says former Owner of Landmark Business

“Absolutely so amazing and beautiful.”

“The costumes are amazing. I wanted to touch them. [The dancers’ expressions] are incredible. They look like they are really having a grand time. They are all happy and very much into their characters.” 

“I really loved the yellow flower one (“Yellow Blossoms” dance). That was stunning.”

“The orchestra is incredible, [particularly] the instruments we’re not used to hearing in the United States.”

“I feel [the spiritual element]. It’s something that grabs inside of me.”

“I was reading [the lyrics] - gorgeous. Her (the soprano’s) voice was heavenly.”

“[The digital animation is] really very inventive with everybody coming down from the heavens and appearing on stage. The temples [are] just gorgeous; really and truly beautiful.”

(In response to a vignette about religious oppression in modern day China) “What the people ended up enduring and going through to fight for their freedom is incredible.”

“I highly recommend it, and say that it’s enchanting and thought-provoking because it shows the simplicity and the beauty of what it is they’re performing and how we could all be. I like that.”

“This is my first time [seeing Shen Yun, but] not my last.” 

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