Shen Yun Shows a Message of ‘Courage’

Shen Yun Shows a Message of ‘Courage’
Maureen and Bruce Potter at the March 5 matinee of Shen Yun in London. Mary Mann/The Epoch Times

LONDON, U.K.–With a splash of color and soaring music, Shen Yun Performing Arts lit up the day for thousands of theatergoers at the Eventim Apollo this week.

Bruce Potter works in psychiatric care in the NHS. He and his wife Maureen Potter, finance systems manager at University for the Creative Arts, attended the March 5 Shen Yun matinee.
They are frequent showgoers and were impressed with Shen Yun’s performance.

“I like the men’s dances where they show the strength as well as the grace—and it’s beautifully choreographed, colors are wonderful. Very exciting to watch,” said Mrs. Potter.

Shen Yun’s work over the last 16 years has been to revive Chinese culture facing destruction under communist rule. As part of its program, it shows the faith-based traditions that are hard to see in China today due to religious persecution.

“I think it’s sad that that still happens in China today,” said Mrs. Potter.

Mr. Potter said it’s important that we maintain our past because “that’s why we’re here today because of what we were then. I think it’s very, very important that all these traditions are maintained not just from China, but from all over the world.”
James Pickavance at the March 5 matinee of Shen Yun in London. (NTD)
James Pickavance at the March 5 matinee of Shen Yun in London. NTD
Lawyer James Pickavance came to the show with his wife and his son Andy.

“The diversity of dance was really special,” he said. “And I felt it demonstrated the Chinese culture immensely well.”

Six-year-old Andy was overjoyed by what he saw.

“My son was jumping up and down really enjoying the dances but also I think he learned a lot during the dances, which is one of the most important things,” said Mr. Pickavance. “It’s immensely important for us that he learns different cultures. He’s only six, but no better time to start.”

Through the universal language of music and dance, he saw a message of unity which he said has “longevity.”

“It’s interesting how the values of courage really translate over thousands of years,” he said. “And it doesn’t really matter whether it’s a modern-day performance, or a modern day tale or a tale set back in ancient times—the message of courage is really the same throughout the different performances.”

He said he’s looking forward to an all-new Shen Yun program next year.

Reporting by Mary Mann and NTD

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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