Shen Yun Perfect, Company Co-founder Says

Feb 19, 2018
Shen Yun Perfect, Company Co-founder Says
Michael Goater and his wife, Zaneta, enjoyed the Shen Yun matinee performance at the Ikeda Theater in Mesa, Ariz., on Feb. 18, 2018. (Sunny Chen/The Epoch Times)

“It was wonderful. It was unique. It was something that I wasn’t expecting, and it was great. … It was my first time ever experiencing anything like that.”

“I’ve been to a lot of musicals, a lot of plays, but I’ve never been to ‘full’ theater like this, with orchestra [and dance]. ... They just put it all together really, really well.”

“The performers would [appear to] go into the screen [animated digital backdrop] and then interact with the screen. The screen would then take over, and then they'd come back out of the screen. ... That was pretty cool.”

“I’m glad that they [the emcees] explained what [the Chinese dance stories] were talking about. ... Entertaining!”

“This is perfect.”

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