Shen Yun Music Links Heaven and Earth, Says Theatregoer

Jan 17, 2018
Shen Yun Music Links Heaven and Earth, Says Theatregoer
Giles Gagnon and Jacqueline Fortin enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at Grand Théâtre de Québec in Quebec City on Jan. 16, 2018. “What I liked is that, in our very materialistic world, they have the courage to present a vision that reintroduces the divine dimension,” said Mr. Gagnon. (Mathieu Côté Desjardins/The Epoch Times)

“I am touched, I am deeply touched by the strength of the people who started [Shen Yun], to pass on this message through beauty, through perfection.”

“It moves me deeply to see the strength of the fusion of East and West that they are presenting in the show in such a beautiful way, with the sensation of Shen, or the divine spirit.”

“Shen Yun [means] ‘the beauty of divine beings dancing.’ The divine beings are dancing through human bodies. .... It gives me wings, the show gives me wings. It pushes the perfection very far.”

“The singer has a voice that touches you. Then the fact that they put the Chinese and Western instruments [in the orchestra]—there’s the Chinese expression ‘to link heaven and earth,’ and they do it with the music.”

“[The performers] manage to make us go further through imagination ... I think it’s a night of trust in life.”

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Shen Yun