Shen Yun ‘Lush and Invigorating,’ Says Artist

Shen Yun ‘Lush and Invigorating,’ Says Artist

“It was extraordinary, I’ve heard a lot about it…It’s visual, it’s’s enchanting.”


“I’m a lover of spectacle, so the costumes, the colors, the vibrancy of the work ... it took my breath away; the humour was unexpected, it was very funny, and then I also think, I wasn’t really anticipating the combination of the digital media art with the dance, but it’s really remarkable—when you see these characters flying in from the heavens, and then appearing on stage, it’s really effective. I had never seen the digital media used that way in theater, so that was exciting.”


“Everything is alive, the movements, the colors, the coordination, everything is together. I admire the dancers—I just admire that type of skill to have so many people together and making beautiful art, beautiful theater; usually I perform alone, so to see the coordination of so many artists working together, it’s kind of beautiful, it’s spectacular.”


“The power of storytelling [in Shen Yun] ... it’s very effective, despite differences in culture, differences in customs and the way that we convey our human stories, it’s all ultimately the same, and so I can tell, when you see grief—grief is the same, joy is the same, humor is the same, so all of that is conveyed.”


“It’s lush, and invigorating ... there is an immediacy to it, which is what I crave.”

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