Shen Yun Is Wonderful, Theatergoer Says

Shen Yun Is Wonderful, Theatergoer Says
David Marrujo and his daughter enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at the Marion Oliver McCaw Hall in Seattle, Wash., on March 28, 2018. Sunny Chen/The Epoch Times

“It’s excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was my birthday gift from my daughter. I loved the Chinese culture. This really exhibited a lot of the elegance of what China is.”

I really appreciated the fullness of what was presented tonight as a blend of comedy, blend of sophistication, and dancing. It was just great performing arts throughout the entire evening, music, visuals—everything. It’s wonderful.”

“I think there is an incredible message [to Shen Yun]. I think it raises the consciousness of individuals who’ve been thinking of Divine ideas and thinking about a Creator and how God has a hand in man’s daily life.”

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