Shen Yun Is ‘Human Poetry in Motion,’ Retired Physician Says

Shen Yun Is ‘Human Poetry in Motion,’ Retired Physician Says
Dr. Kevin Robertson attended the Shen Yun performance at the Detroit Opera House in Detroit, Mich., on Feb. 17, 2018. Dr. Robertson said he would highly recommend seeing the performance. NTD Television

“The show is fantastic. It’s poetry in motion. That sounds like a cliché, but it truly is.”

“It’s just a pageantry of colors. It’s so coordinated, you can think of watching a flock of fish that are all moving in unison and all perfectly timed, but with a great degree of individualism as well.”

“I particularly liked the comments on China, of how this [program] would be suppressed in China.”

“I also liked the focus on the divine, in the sense—as in the name Shen Yun—[of] the divinity within each individual and how we have forgotten that. It was a good reminder.”

“It’s moving beauty, human poetry in motion to reiterate that phrase. That’s how I would describe this.”

“The people have forgotten in their urban, secular ways the divinity within, and that needs to be refocused on again. It’s a good reminder of that.”

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