Shen Yun Is ‘Graceful and Beautiful,’ Says Business Owner

Jan 21, 2017
Shen Yun Is ‘Graceful and Beautiful,’ Says Business Owner

“Graceful and beautiful. They’re so athletic and [well]-trained. I was very impressed. The choreography, the synchronization was incredible. A lot of practice there, I can see that.” 


“The costumes are beautiful, the colours are vibrant, I’m not used to seeing these colours. The materials are beautiful, the way they flow. I love the choreography. It’s something new for me, I haven’t seen this before, with the umbrellas and the drums. It’s very entertaining.”


“[What stands out to me is] the tradition, the loyalty with the family, and the way they seem to follow through from generation to generation over time. It seems like it’s a continuum to me.”


“Something nice about [passing on values] generation to generation. Something maybe we don’t have so much here in Canada.”

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