Shen Yun Is Fabulous and Joyful, Says Business Adviser

Shen Yun Is Fabulous and Joyful, Says Business Adviser
Shen Yun performers take a curtain call at Place des Arts in Montreal on Jan. 12, 2018. Evan Ning/The Epoch Times

“It’s really amazing. ... It is the first time that I have come to see the show, and if I have a chance I’m going to try to convince other people to come see the show.”

“All those little presentations [by the emcees] before [each dance] gives you enough information to get the overall feeling that you’re supposed to get, and it’s really done pitch-perfect. It’s really good.”

“If you want to enjoy a moment that you won’t have to think about it, you’re just going to be able to appreciate it and enjoy just looking and hearing, [Shen Yun] is the place to go. It’s fabulous. It’s really joyful, even in the piece [depicting the Chinese regime’s persecution of practitioners of the Falun Dafa spiritual faith]. It was done beautifully and it makes it so that you can enjoy all the aspects and the evolution of all the characters.”

“So far I’ve enjoyed all the programs. I feel that there’s an overall good balance between the really [bright] colors and the more shady colors. It gives good vibes and it makes you appreciate all the moments.”

“[In the dance ‘Han Dynasty Sleeves,’] all the flow with the sleeves—it gave such an amazing visual impact. I was trying to focus somewhere ... but there’s so much to see. [I thought to myself,] wow, that’s really amazing, I would want to see more.”

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