Shen Yun Is ‘Divine Dance,’ Says Dentist

Shen Yun Is ‘Divine Dance,’ Says Dentist

“It was breathtaking. ... I love the fact that it was the choreography, it was the music, it was the attention to detail, the costumes, and every performer gave 110 percent.”



“The computer technology (digital projection), and the attention to detail were absolutely breathtaking. We’ll come back here again because they said every year the show is different.”


“The two narrators, they explained things ... and how these people have had to leave China to express their art and to express their feelings. ... We love the arts from the standpoint [that] it’s the expression of freedom and how you feel, and taking it to a level of, in this case, perfection.”


“I think it’s very important to have ancient traditions ... you bring back the ancient from thousands of years ago ... It’s the history of people, and it’s people who really made a difference, and they shouldn’t be persecuted in a communist nation anywhere.



“It was beautifully executed. We loved it. We’ll certainly come back because the enthusiasm was second-to-none.”



“Come to the Orpheum Theatre to see Shen Yun because it’s first class – it’s divine dance.”

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