Shen Yun Is ‘A joy to watch,’ Says Swing Dance Hall of Fame Award Recipient

Apr 07, 2017
Shen Yun Is ‘A joy to watch,’ Says Swing Dance Hall of Fame Award Recipient

“We loved the performance; it was great! I loved the smoothness.”

“I love the unity of that [”Yellow Blossoms“]. With the fans and the movement and the colors of the costumes, I just thought that one was really perfection.”

“[The dancers] were fabulous! They could jump really high, they were very smooth. They were beautiful. Perfect, they were perfect.”

“I loved the orchestra — it was fabulous — every single instrument in there.”

“It was just like a dream; it was perfection. They were really, really good, and I loved the story behind all of the different acts.” 

“I know you have to work really hard to become a dancer like that. 

“I loved the hand movements, I loved the smoothness, it was like they were floating out there, just perfectly floating across the stage. You don’t see that too often, and that was just a joy to watch.”

“[The soprano has a] very beautiful voice, and I loved the song.”

“I was looking forward to coming here, and it’s had all the expectations of what I thought it would be and what I heard it would be, and it just filled me up, filled me up to the top, and I can’t wait to come back and see it again. I thank [Shen Yun] for that.” 

“I think they [Shen Yun] would benefit the society because they’re showing their love for dance and expression, and all the different stories.”

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