Shen Yun Does a Great Job of Showing Modern Chinese History

Feb 01, 2017
Shen Yun Does a Great Job of Showing Modern Chinese History

“I really wished that my step-mother was here to see this. She would very much appreciate this. She escaped from communist China back in the early ’70s and was able to raise her three children … here in the United States. I think they’d all enjoy this, but I think she would enjoy it especially.”

“The colors and the artistic and music quality is just phenomenal.”

“When Chiang Kai-shek was [depicted], and it was more on the modern, communist revolution side, wasn’t really expecting that, but I understand the story and I appreciate what they’re trying to tell. … Being fortunate enough to have a Chinese relative, I’m very well versed in that. I understand the issues and what they’re trying to portray, and I think they’re doing a very good job of it.”

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