Shen Yun Dancers’ Movements ‘Portray their devotion to their culture’

Shen Yun Dancers’ Movements ‘Portray their devotion to their culture’
Pam Schunn, a retired dance instructor, hairstylist and makeup artist, enjoyed the Shen Yun matinee performance at the McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert, Calif., on April 27, 2018. Yaning Liu/The Epoch Times

“It was just captivating. It was mesmerizing. It was more than what I could have expected, just wonderful. I couldn’t take my eyes off them. It was so graceful. The synchronization was just unbelievable. The backdrop, how they came out of the backdrop into the stage — I just loved everything about it. I loved it.”

“Their costuming, the colors were spectacular.”

“I’ve been a dancer all my life. ... I have such appreciation for dance of all cultures, and this was just mesmerizing. I loved every minute of it.”

“Their whole body movements portray their devotion to their culture.”

“Oh yes, definitely [I would recommend it]. I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about the show. I couldn’t wait to see it. I didn’t know we were going to come. My husband surprised me with this. This was part of our wedding anniversary next week. ... I can’t wait to tell all my family and friends about it.”

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