Shen Yun Colourful Athletic and Uplifting, Says Company Director

Apr 08, 2017
Shen Yun Colourful Athletic and Uplifting, Says Company Director

“I’m enjoying the colour and enjoying the athleticism. It’s uplifting.”


“I think that other folks’ ideas should be allowed to be heard. That’s what makes a great diverse world. ... I believe that even if someone has something that you disagree with, it’s important that they’re able to speak.”


“There’s a lot we can learn from the past and bring it in to the future.  [We can ] take all the good things, and build on them.”


“I think [spirituality is] very important and that we look [at] the past and bring into the future. I say hindsight is a marvellous tool, so we look to what we’ve learnt in the past, and bring it into the future and take all the good parts from it and build on that, rather than having the same thing over and over again.”

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