Shen Yun, an Artistic Movement That Will Change China

Apr 21, 2017
Shen Yun, an Artistic Movement That Will Change China

“I had no idea it was going to be on this scale. It was such a massive production and it’s amazing.”

“I love it. I absolutely love it. ... [One dance] where the young girl was trying to reclaim her heritage. Trying to reclaim her way of life: It moved me. I was actually moved to tears. The fact that you can’t have shows like this in China it really kind of wakes us up to realize that maybe we take freedom for granted sometimes so it’s a big eye opener. ... It is a work of art it really is and it’s the best way to deliver that message—absolutely.”

“They really captured the hopelessness. That despair. First it was the tears of sadness. The frustration, I felt it right along side her. Being able to meditate, being able to pray, whatever it is, it is your right, and ... I saw the communist symbols on the back of the men in black and we’re expecting the worst to happen but ... then you see the Buddha ... and then it’s just rejoicing and then it’s tears of joy.”


“It gives you hope basically that things are going to change. I mean if things are changing here even in the form of art then they are going to change there eventually. That’s just the way it is. You can’t stop a movement. Especially an artistic movement.”

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