Saxophone Player Says Shen Yun Orchestra Scores Absolutely Magnificent

Saxophone Player Says Shen Yun Orchestra Scores Absolutely Magnificent

“I love the interaction between the Western type music and the Asian. And I have never heard of that, performed like that, that sort of, encompassing the two cultures.”

“I’m intrigued about how I think Shen Yun has the Chinese music and with the Chinese instruments and fusing them with Western. You hear a lot of trombones that are coming in, and when it was very up tempo, and I listen to so many tempo changes, so many different changes in the tempos, and it must have been magnificent to have been able to read that, read that kind of thing on the music—must be phenomenal.”

“[The interaction of the music and the dancers] was brilliant. To be able to compose that, the choreography, with that as well, absolutely magnificent really, how they actually did it. … And I loved the one with the drums. That they could actually dance like that and still keep in time. And I could hear the time signatures and the beating in time.”

“The erhu—having that beautiful sound with two strings in it, I’ve never heard that before. And it’s an ancient type of instrument. … Beautiful. That was a beautiful sort of sound that was mesmerising—you could hear that, the spirituality and the soul.”

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