Psoas Release With Yoga Poses

Psoas Release With Yoga Poses
The advance pigeon pose By GingerKitten/Shutterstock

Many people say that releasing your psoas major, the most critical muscle group in your body, is virtually impossible. This is not true.

What may you ask is the psoas? Even though we help people find best office chairs we are honest about it – sitting too long harms your psoas. This muscle group, which lies deep within your body, is one of the most complicated muscles in humans. We all have two: one on each side of our bodies. Both attach at the 12th thoracic vertebra and continue down the spine, attaching to all five lumbar vertebrae below.  From there, the psoas connects with the iliacus muscles that line the inside of the pelvic bone, curve around and extend over the front of the pelvis, finally attaching to the femur. This core muscle group, if weak or sprained, can cause back and neck pain, and a whole host of other issues (including gastrointestinal distress). Some people also believe the psoas has a direct connection to spiritual and emotional health.

Practicing these yoga poses will help you remain comfortable and pain-free when standing, sitting, walking, or taking part in everyday activities.  Releasing your psoas major can also play a significant role in relieving any pain or discomfort you may experience while playing sports and help you improve your game. Try these seven yoga poses, practice them regularly, and you too may be able to release your psoas, reduce or eliminate back pain and other discomforts and experience improvement in your overall health.

Child’s Pose:

  • Bring your belly to rest between your thighs and root your forehead to the floor. Relax the shoulders, jaw, and eyes.
  • There are several possible arm variations. You can stretch your arms in front of you with the palms toward the floor or bring your arms back alongside your thighs with the palms facing upwards. Do whichever feel more comfortable for you.
  • Stay as long as you like, eventually reconnecting with the steady inhales and exhales of your breath.

Active Supine Pose

Apanasana yoga pose (Supine Knees to Chest Pose). By Wuju Planet/Shutterstock
Apanasana yoga pose (Supine Knees to Chest Pose). By Wuju Planet/Shutterstock
  • Don’t curl your pelvis when moving the legs up
  • You can also do one leg at a time
  • Breathe and relax

Pigeon Pose:

  • Monitor the hip rotation - if it’s too intense ease it off
  • Remember to breathe
  • Try the advance pigeon pose (pls see above) if you find the pigeon pose not challenging anymore
  • Breathe and relax
This article was originally published on
Lisa Roth Collins
Lisa Roth Collins
Lisa Roth Collins is a registered holistic nutritionist and also the marketing manager at, which first published this article.
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