Prima Ballerina Enjoys Shen Yun Dancers’ Arm Movements and Techniques

Apr 25, 2018
Prima Ballerina Enjoys Shen Yun Dancers’ Arm Movements and Techniques
Gaida, a professional ballet dancer who has performed all over the world as a Prima Ballerina, enjoyed the Shen Yun evening performance at The Soraya (formerly Valley Performing Arts Center), Calif., on April 24, 2018. (Yaning Liu/The Epoch Times)

“I really enjoy the arm movements, expressions and the acrobatic techniques, as well. That’s not easy.”

“Certain stories are very spiritual, and other stories show the culture of China, for example the last piece, the Mongolian dance ['Lofty Spirits on the Grasslands’]. I’ve never seen it, so it seems very interesting to me from a technical approach.”

“[Classical Chinese dance and ballet] are very different. First of all, the style of art is very different. Our classical ballet is very highly trained physically, muscles. And it’s on point shoes. This is on soft shoes, so that’s a huge difference.”

“For me it’s very pleasant. And I always like to learn about different cultures.”

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