Polly Wheatley Praises Shen Yun: ‘Fantastic, a Ten’

Feb 04, 2018
Polly Wheatley Praises Shen Yun: ‘Fantastic, a Ten’
Solar company president Desmond Wheatley and his wife Polly, founder of Oli and Tess Jewelry Wheatley, cherish the Shen Yun performance at the San Diego Civic Theater on Feb. 4, 2018. (Alex Lee/The Epoch Times)

“Absolutely amazing. Their [costumes] beautiful. ... I love the women’s costumes with the long sleeves, and I love the colors that they put together.”

“I think all the colors are fantastic; the backdrops are amazing!”

“The dancers are amazing. When they’re doing their leaps, it seems like they almost slow down in the air. They do seem weightless. Stunning.”

“I love the background. It’s very visually appealing. ... It’s so calming and peaceful, and it’s obviously great pictures to meditate by. It’s beautiful.”

“I certainly think that the color palette is something that will stick with me forever. I love it.”

“It’s amazing, too, that you can tell such a story without saying anything, without having any words just with dance!”

“[I give Shen Yun dancers a] 10!”

           —Polly Wheatley, founder of Oli and Tess Jewelry and retired Hollywood clothing designer
 “It’s very clever the way they arrange the live action on the stage with what’s going on in the background [digital backdrop]. I’ve never seen anything like that before.”

“[What] I’m getting out of it, more than anything else, is a strong introduction to [ancient] Chinese culture. It’s fantastic for the kids.”

“There’s incredible discipline on the stage. Everybody was perfect. The precision is super.”

“It means so much to have music like that [Shen Yun Orchestra]. It would be a shame if it weren’t there.”

“They did a very good job of describing with music, and dance, [several] millennia of Chinese history in a very visually stunning way.”

“What inspires me is that beings can create something so beautiful.”

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