Pianist: The Shen Yun Orchestra Was Soft, Rich, and Mesmerizing

Pianist: The Shen Yun Orchestra Was Soft, Rich, and Mesmerizing
Krista Dyreson (L) and Pat Hauser enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at the Miller High Life Theatre, Milwaukee, Wis., on March 16, 2018. Ms. Dyreson felt the costumes enhanced the performance, were a part of it, rather than just something the dancers wore onstage. Andy Darin/The Epoch Times

“The colors were phenomenal; I couldn’t get enough of it; really they were so beautiful, the costumes so beautiful, but what I really appreciate is learning about the culture of China. They so spiritual. That is really profound; it’s really neat when you think about it.”

“It’s so spiritual. ... When they had the scene where the young man was taken away because of his beliefs, it makes you appreciate being here [in the United States] all the more. And that’s [the persecution] still goes on today, that’s very sad to me.”

“[The orchestra was] absolutely lovely, just so soft and rich, and mesmerizing really, the music so rhythmic. … Each scene was so different: it either made you feel happy and put a smile on your face or if it was rhythmic, you feel energized, or with strong dramatic music, you were sad, so the music really expressed that.”

“[Shen Yun] is phenomenal, and if people have the opportunity to come, they should. I have heard people describe that you feel all emotions, and that’s what I would say, you do. It just transports you to a different place and you learn a lot too.”

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