Pastor Praises Shen Yun for Keeping ‘Message Alive’

Pastor Praises Shen Yun for Keeping ‘Message Alive’
Mark and Christine Johnson enjoyed watching Shen Yun at Jones Hall in Houston, Texas, on Dec. 26, 2017. "I loved the music. The excitement of the people who were up there dancing, the backgrounds, the vocalist were superb ... We’ve thoroughly enjoyed it," said Ms. Johnson, who is a pastor. Sarah Guo/The Epoch Times

“I’ve really enjoyed the show ... I think it’s really interesting too, being a Christian and having an understanding of their [Chinese] spirituality, in some ways lines up with Christianity. It’s a little bit different, but it’s been an interesting experience for me to begin to understand a little bit more about the [Chinese] culture and certainly appreciate what they’ve been through and their culture. And the fact that they’re willing to take this on the road to keep this story, this message alive is very inspiring for me.”

“I appreciate the fact that they have taken this story and are making it known.”

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