Owner of Art Academy Impressed and Inspired by Shen Yun

Owner of Art Academy Impressed and Inspired by Shen Yun
Joshua Jacobo, an artist and owner of New Masters Academy, and Johanna Schwaiger, a well-known figurative sculptor from Austria, enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa, Calif., on April 5, 2018. "I’ve seen [Shen Yun] in Florence, in Paris, and one time in Vienna," said Ms. Schwaiger. "What touches me the most is the authenticity of the old Chinese culture, and that it stays authentic and it doesn’t try to please a certain audience, but it has a very truthful voice." Jana Li/The Epoch Times

“It was wonderful. ... I was very impressed, it was absolutely beautiful.”

“Seeing the roots of other dance forms, I started to understand that it actually comes from an ancient Chinese tradition. That was really interesting, to see the elements of ballet, acrobatics, then starting to understand the roots of it. It was very impressive. It makes me want to learn more about classical Chinese dance.”

“The use of the color and the costumes was unbelievable. Normally in contemporary time you don’t have that much saturation and that much color. I thought it was unbelievable. Just aesthetically, the colors were amazing and also the movements were beautiful. ... It gave me a lot of ideas for figurative art.”

“The stories are beautiful.”

“The spiritual element is really interesting. It makes me want to learn more about the practice, learn more about the persecution, the Falun Dafa practice.”

“Unbelievable warmth, and there’s love there. It doesn’t seem to cater to the audience, trying to give the audience what they want. It seems very true, authentic.”

“[I would recommend this] to the students, absolutely.”

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