Orthopedic Surgeon Enjoys Heavenly Inspired Stories at Shen Yun

Feb 01, 2018
Orthopedic Surgeon Enjoys Heavenly Inspired Stories at Shen Yun
Niels Linschoten and his wife, Candace, enjoyed a performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts at the River Center Theater for Performing Arts, Baton Rouge on Jan. 28, 2018. "The dancers are the best I have ever seen—it’s just stunning," said Candace Linschoten, who added, "I feel that there's spirituality in the dance and in the whole performance." (NTD Television)

“I am very impressed. Very impressed with the Chinese culture, tradition, beauty, dance, costumes. So very impressive.”

“I really like the stories how they are heavenly inspired ... I think the stories depicted are greater than just the material. It goes through the spiritual and the eternal. How that is expressed is very encouraging and I hope all of China comes back to that.”

“I feel that my creator has shown me the beauty of the art of China.”

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