Non-Executive Director Says Shen Yun is ‘Exceptional’ and ‘Very Emotional’

Non-Executive Director Says Shen Yun is ‘Exceptional’ and ‘Very Emotional’
Tea Colaianni (C) and her mother (R) enjoyed Shen Yun at the Eventim Apollo in London on April 24, 2019. Mary Mann/Epoch Times

LONDON—Non-executive director and board mentor Tea Colaianni said she loved every minute of Shen Yun when she saw the performance with her mother in London.

“I love the costumes, I love the music, I love the dancing, I love that there is a strong message, strong values, it’s unique, absolutely fantastic,” she said.

“It was exceptional, my mum said, absolutely exceptional. We haven’t seen anything like this before.”

The mentor saw Shen Yun at the Eventim Apollo in London on the afternoon of April 24.

Colaianni was particularly impressed with what she called the “message” of the show, saying that it had made her reflect on modern values.

Shen Yun’s mission is to bring back China’s 5,000 years of culture through performing arts.

The New York-based company uses classical Chinese dance, folk and ethnic dances, story-based dances, and solo music pieces to portray themes like spiritual devotion, good and evil, and the search for the meaning of life, according to the company’s website.

Such values are foundational to traditional Chinese culture and Shen Yun aims to inspire audience members and encourage them to reflect on themselves and the world around them.

“It really makes you feel how lucky we are and there is a strong message about religion, a strong message about modern values,” said Colaianni.

‘Unforgettable and Absolutely Unique’

She picked out one piece based around a classic Chinese tale called “Butterfly Lovers,” in which a scholarly young woman in ancient China has to dress as a man in order to continue her studies.

Colaianni said the piece was “absolutely fantastic.”

“It was very emotional, it was very emotional, there’s also a light ... the way they dance, it’s all very gracious and heartwarming,” she said.

She added that she could feel energy from the stage that made her want to go to China.

The audience at Shen Yun's matinee performance at the Eventim Apollo in London on April 24, 2019. (Yuan Luo/Epoch Times)
The audience at Shen Yun's matinee performance at the Eventim Apollo in London on April 24, 2019. Yuan Luo/Epoch Times

Through stories and songs, Shen Yun aims to revive China’s traditional culture, which has been lost under years of communist rule.

Indeed, China was at one time called Shen Zhou, meaning divine land. For thousands of years, Chinese people have observed values and principles stemming from this belief, including benevolence, truthfulness, righteousness, and propriety.

Colaianni’s mother was as equally enthusiastic about Shen Yun as her daughter. Speaking in Italian and translated by Colaianni, she said Shen Yun had been “unforgettable and absolutely unique.”

“I’ve never seen anything like this before in my entire life,” she said.

With reporting by Mary Mann and John Smithies.
The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time and has covered audience reactions since the company’s inception in 2006.
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