Multi-Award Winning Landscape Designer Found Shen Yun Inspirational

Multi-Award Winning Landscape Designer Found Shen Yun Inspirational
Nadia Matijevic with her daughter, Anais, and her mother, Margit Wright, also a landscape designer, enjoyed the Shen Yun Performing Arts evening performance at the Adelaide Festival Centre, on Feb. 13, 2018. The Epoch Times

“It’s wonderful, stunning, very impressed.”

“It made me feel emotional watching it, it was so beautiful. The music was exquisite as well and I found it really inspirational for my daughter who loves dance.”

“I loved the stories, ... I loved the progression of the stories from very beginning and we’re getting to more of the modern side of things. The history of it, I loved the philosophy of it.”

“I felt uplifted but it also made me just emotional. I felt like crying sometimes, just because it was so beautiful. It was really touching—really lovely!”

“I think that the spiritual aspect was beautiful too and I think the costumes were incredible, absolutely exquisite and I kind of ... it brings back a level of production that you don’t see anywhere. … to have a performance like that now is really extraordinary.”

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