Mother and Daughter Revel in Shen Yun’s Inspiring Artistic Perfection

Mother and Daughter Revel in Shen Yun’s Inspiring Artistic Perfection
Anna Chaplin and her daughter attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the San Diego Civic Theater, on Jan. 25, 2020. Linda Jiang/The Epoch Times
SAN DIEGO—Southern California resident Anna Chaplin’s young daughter is learning the violin this year, and the little girl had never been to a dance performance before. So on Jan. 25, 2020, the mother-daughter pair attended Shen Yun Performing Arts and sat only four rows from its accompanying orchestra. Speaking about the experience afterward, Chaplin shared the wonderful feelings she got from Shen Yun, said that she can’t wait to return to see it again and may take her mother, a former ballerina.

“It was absolutely beautiful. Just perfection,” said Chaplin, who owns a construction firm with her husband. She added that seeing the performance made her “want to go home and quietly just sit and think and feel.”

“Seeing it and feeling it and watching the show really made you feel like you were part of their [the performers’] life. It was just, it was so clean feeling. I mean, they’re jumping and you don’t hear a footstep. ... It is so breathtaking. It was breathtaking,” Chaplin said.

To her, Shen Yun’s dancers were “beautiful, just right on the cue, everything. Their costumes, the colors were just spectacular.”

New York-based Shen Yun travels the world, performing classical Chinese dance with a full, live-orchestra, bringing the revival of authentic Chinese culture with it. China’s ancient civilization has always acknowledged the presence of the divine and includes the legend that the Creator will one day return to earth. Shen Yun depicts this very legend on stage, as well as other stories and themes that include divine beings.
“I just think there’s the story behind it, the whole way it came down, it was just so beautiful. It’s inspirational. It’s—their story is inspirational,” Chaplin said.

“The way that they worked as a team, the colors, the art of just them working together. And you could feel their story. You can close your eyes and understand where they were coming from. ... Again it’s just so, it was perfection,” she added.

Chaplin’s biggest takeaway from Shen Yun’s performance is the “wish our world would be more like this.”

“I think that the way that they work together and the performing, the work up to this show, I wish our world and our cultures were a little bit more like this. I feel that they’re strong, they’re a team, they work together, they love. I just wish our world was a little bit better like this. It would be a lot, a lot better [for it]. They seem happy. They seem like they love what they do. More people need to love what they do in this world. I really believe that.”

With reporting by NTD Television, Linda Jiang, and Brett Featherstone.
The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time and has covered audience reactions since the company’s inception in 2006.