Managing Partner Finds Shen Yun Music Very Soothing

Managing Partner Finds Shen Yun Music Very Soothing
Barry Kolevzon and his wife attended Shen Yun's evening performance at The Performing Arts Center, Purchase College SUNY in Purchase, N.Y., on April 22, 2018. "Spectacular. The athleticism, the costuming, the choreography—is beyond my wildest expectation," said Mrs. Kolevzon. NTD Television

“[The music] is very soothing. It gets to you after a while. ... [performers] can all be synchronized, all day, and do these fantastic flips, in line with the music. ... And I wonder why it gets to you. But as you go and you listen to it, you fall in the mood that it brings. It is very powerful.”

“I think the way it was coordinated with the movie in the background [digital backdrop], coordinating what was going on stage—it was very powerful.”

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