‘It doesn’t get better than this,’ Radio Show Host Says of Shen Yun

Apr 23, 2017
‘It doesn’t get better than this,’ Radio Show Host Says of Shen Yun

“I had seen it on television, but in real life, it’s really accomplished. It’s very good. The combination of all the different aspects and facets – the dance, the choreography, the music, the quality, the technology behind all of that, putting it all together, the background, and the singing, the piano piece, the instruments, the storytelling – everything together, was so very well done. It doesn’t get better than this.”

“That’s one of the things that impressed me is the spiritual component of this because it sent a clear message about the fact that, for example, the reality that we see in terms of things that are tangible, the physical, is not all that there is about reality. 

“There are things beyond what we see, and taste, and know, and that is even weightier or more important in a lot of aspects than what we see. We tend to limit ourselves, and that’s what limits us a lot. 

“The message that was put across on the screen (lyrics from the vocal soloists) throughout the show – there’s good and evil, but the good is going to overcome, and it is the evil that suppresses the good, ... In the end, good will triumph over evil, which is the central message across most religions. That part is very interesting to me and very impressive.”

Because the message the show has to convey, it is very worth it. I see the show here is going to end by the end of April. I bet there are many more people who would like to come if you extended it until June, you would still have this place packed full.”

“Nobody would be satisfied seeing this just once.” 

“My encouragement [for the dancers] is to ask them to keep doing it because it’s well worth it. They are giving a lot of people not just entertainment, [but] a good, quality show.” 

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