‘It brings us back to the beautiful culture, the Chinese culture,’ Says Priest

‘It brings us back to the beautiful culture, the Chinese culture,’ Says Priest
Father Elie Abou Assaf (R) and his friend enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts in Toronto on Jan. 3, 2018. Dongyu Teng/The Epoch Times

“It’s amazing. It’s beautiful. The art, the music. In general, it’s entertaining. It brings us back to the beautiful culture, the Chinese culture. It’s amazing.”

“I’ve always been interested in the Chinese music and meditation through the music. Tonight, with the performance, and also all the art that can help us go further in spirituality and to see the beautiful things that God gives us through the arts and dance or music. So tonight, this divine transcendence helps us ... to go deeper in tradition.”

“It’s enchanting, actually. It’s enchanting, especially the music. When I heard the traditional instruments, the Chinese traditional instruments, it brought me to feel with those people who live now in China, and sometimes, as the speakers [emcees] said before, they cannot live normally. Because I came from a country [Lebanon] where we have a lot of suffering, too, so I could understand through the music how much the people who love to enjoy the tradition and their lives, and at the same time, they are incarcerated through those political things that can happen there.”

“The rhythm of the music that we were listening to, it pushes you to go further in work and it pushes your soul to be transported to a different place. It goes through your mind, actually, and your spirit. It calms your energy inside and at the same time it moves you to have more energy if you are working or if you are doing something else. It moves you to do the best, to give the best of you. It’s part of it, this balance between to be human and spiritual at the same time. It helps a little bit to understand this balance.”

“Sometimes [the music carries you to what] could be this imaginary world that we can live in. Each person has his own world, so it brought me to my own world now, to the things that I wish, to live in my life, and giving this space to God to help me to go through everything. And this music helps a little bit to go through. It’s kind of healing sessions that the Chinese music could help, in a way.”

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