‘I have tears in my eyes through the whole performance,’ Says Water Remediation Expert

Feb 18, 2018
‘I have tears in my eyes through the whole performance,’ Says Water Remediation Expert

“I love it. I come pretty much every year.”

“It’s hard to explain. I think I can feel the energy of the performance. I can feel the performers and the orchestra and also on stage. It’s hard to describe. It’s very beautiful though, very beautiful. ... Joy. Joy would be a really good word for sure.”

“It moves my heart to see the performance. I feel that they’re doing a lot for the community. It’s not just for the people watching. I think the world needs to have this type of dance and this type of performance out in the community.”

“In the song, [the soprano] was singing about how the moral standing of the whole humanity has been lowered, and so this is one of those shows that helps to raise it back up again, I believe.”

“I have tears in my eyes through the whole performance.”

“[I learned] to treat myself more as royalty, actually, treat myself better, and to have more discipline even in my own life. That’s what I’m taking home.”

“It’s the most amazing performance I’ve ever seen in my life, and you have to go.”

“I would say [to the performers] thank you so much for your time and your service, and we really appreciate it, and the world really does appreciate what you do.”

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