Business Travel Manager Experienced Being Transported to Another Dimension

Apr 15, 2018
Business Travel Manager Experienced Being Transported to Another Dimension
Reiner Sanchez attended the Shen Yun matinée performance at The Kennedy Center Opera House in Washington, D.C., on April 15, 2018. (Sherry Dong/The Epoch Times)

“It was a very colorful transportation. And I felt like transported to another place, to another dimension. ... Another dimension where you feel—like peace and the people get along and care for each other—like a heavenly experience.”

“The message that [Shen Yun] delivered was really good because it makes you feel like there is still hope for humanity.”

“I feel connected because in a way I feel that I am a spiritual person. ... My take away is like—continue doing the right things and change starts by yourself. So we need an inner change and then project it to the world.”

“[Shen Yun] dancers projected a lot of positive energy and happiness. It is like big energy coming out of the stage to the [audience].”

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