Human Rights Activist: ‘Finding meaning, direction, faith, and hope in life’

Human Rights Activist: ‘Finding meaning, direction, faith, and hope in life’
Benedict Rogers enjoyed Shen Yun at the Dominion Theatre, London, on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018. NTD Television

“It was absolutely spectacular. It was an amazing display of incredible color and culture and extraordinary dancing. And a real example of Chinese history and culture. It was beautiful.”

“The brief stories that the narrators provided really helped us understand where the dancers were coming from, what the background was. And the fact that it goes so far back in Chinese history was fascinating.”

“China has such a huge, thousands of years, history. I think the whole performance and the whole context of this tradition is very impressive.”

“I myself know quite a number of Falun Gong practitioners. I know the story of Falun Gong, I know about the persecution. In fact, I myself have been speaking up in defense of Falun Gong practitioners’ rights and freedom to practice their beliefs freely.”

“And so I think it is very important that this kind of performance preserves not just the Falun Gong beliefs but ancient Chinese traditions and culture.”

“And I hope the day will come when all people in China, whether they are Falun Gong practitioners or people of other faiths, can practice their beliefs freely. And celebrate Chinese culture freely.”

“I know that the three essential values for Falun Gong practitioners are truth, compassion, and tolerance. And actually those are values that I think people of other faiths would also share. I happen to be a Christian myself but I would really identify with those values.”

“From the practitioners that I know, they definitely live those values very strongly. I think it’s very inspiring the way they don’t give up those values in the face of persecution. I know how severe the persecution is and yet I find it very inspiring. Not only from the Shen Yun show but also from the real stories of Falun Gong practitioners, how they hold on to those values despite the pressure that they are under.”

“I think people of any belief or faith in any sense of spirituality can identify with [the lyrics of the songs]. So again, whether you are a Falun Gong practitioner or somebody of another belief, I think those lyrics symbolize what’s really important in life, which is finding meaning, direction, faith, and hope in life.”

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