Former Cultural Bureau Director: Shen Yun Is Unparalleled

Former Cultural Bureau Director: Shen Yun Is Unparalleled
Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company's curtain call at the Tainan Municipal Cultural Center, on Feb. 22. Chen Ting/Epoch Times

TAINAN, Taiwan—The New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company’s third Taiwan show of 2014 at the Tainan Municipal Cultural Center came to a close with tumultuous applause on the evening of Feb. 22.

Among those on hand was Mr. Ye Jiaxiong, former director of the Tainan County Government’s Cultural Affairs Bureau. Speaking highly of Shen Yun’s performance, Mr. Ye said: “Shen Yun demonstrated traditional Chinese virtues, which are the spirit of repressing evil and encouraging good.”

Seeing Shen Yun for the first time, Mr. Ye expressed his admiration for the choreography of each program, its costumes, live orchestra accompaniments, dancers, and the life-like three-dimensional backdrops. “The synchronization of dancers and the animated digital backdrops was perfect,” he said. “The program demonstrated the importance of traditional ethics, morality, human relations, and other cultural elements. This is very good.”

As the former director for the Tainan County Cultural Affairs Bureau, Mr. Ye has is no stranger to the performing arts. During his tenure with the bureau, he was the director for planning and supervising of the cultural activities in Tainan County.

In fact, he currently serves as the Executive Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Taiwan Capital University, and he attaches great importance to matters of cultural education.

In terms of Shen Yun’ dedication to revive the 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture, he said: “Shen Yun plays a positive role in the society and education. I think we really need Shen Yun. Its dramas and dances have fully demonstrated the essence of sincerity, compassion, and beauty.”

Shen Yun Colors Inspire Painters

Also in the audience was Hou Liangchuan, former head of the Tainan City Arts Association and painter of ink wash paintings. He attended with his wife and one of his top students.

Watching Shen Yun for the first time, Mr. Hou said that he didn’t have much understanding of the dances, but he was still deeply impressed with the overall performance. Particularly, “the music, backdrop, performers, and lights are very perfectly integrated, producing an air of magnificence,” he said.

As an art teacher, Mr. Hou has an acute sense of colors. In his opinion, Shen Yun utilized a skillful and creative use of colors. Moreover, he felt that the colors of the backdrop scenes were a perfect match with the colors of the costumes. “Colors of the backdrop and costumes are also helpful for painting,” he said.

For the program on the persecuted Falun Gong practitioners, he was moved by their firm belief even in the face of persecution, and he believed that each of the religions in our modern society should be treated fairly instead of being suppressed. “I feel the positive energy of Shen Yun,” he said, believing that this kind of positive energy could only benefit his physically challenged wife.

His wife suffers from poor motor coordination. “Good to see it! I like it!” she said.

Reporting by Huang Lie, Amy Lien, and Bill Xu

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New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.